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- AV Niche Launches New Web Site - Thursday 10th March 2011 - AV Niche launches it's new web site hosting new features and showcasing new products and services. These new features should make it easier for visitors to navigate around the site and create a more enjoyable knowledge gathering experience for users. "The web site is our shop window to the world and we fully intend to develop an informative and creative experience in understanding the products and services offered by AV Niche." says Neil Holmes Managing Director of AV Niche. This latest web site has been designed and constructed by AV Niche staff. New services include specialist sound recording, videography, project management, telematics and a home entertainment division called Digital AV. The sound recording unit will offer audio cleaning and podcast creation as specialties, whilst videography will provide a range of event, corporate and multimedia related services.
- DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) - EEDA (East of England Development Agency) - HOSDB (Home Office Scientific Development Branch)
- Quality assurance policy statement - Environmental policy statement - Equal opportunity policy statement
The solid development of skills, expertise and experience of staff saw national recognition in December 2005 with the granting of the prestigious and internationally recognised "Investors in People" status. For many years AV Niche has concentrated, maintained and recognised a strong employee base. The controlled and steady growth of both the company and employees has enabled the progressive development of digital interview recording technology for the benefit of the Criminal Justice System. AV Niche are the providers of the longest serving operational digital interview recording equipment in the world.
- Suffolk Constabulary - Partners Awards Presentation Ceremony — 18th July 2008 The certificate presented to AV Niche (Recording Systems) Ltd at this Award Ceremony was to recognise the support and assistance provided to Suffolk Constabulary during December 2006 "Operation Sumac". At that time the Constabulary was faced with the enormous challenge of carrying out the investigation into the murders of five young women, as well as other traumatic events, including a serious incident in a nightclub. Whilst demand on the Constabulary was unprecedented, the challenge was met in part by the dedication and professionalism of AV Niche. Neil Holmes at the Award Ceremony
- Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) - February 2008 AV Niche were awarded the National Contract for Specialist Interview Recording equipment by the UK Department of Work and Pensions. The contract included the initial supply of over 300 audio interview recorders together with the provision of on going support and supply of accessories.
- East of England Development Agency (EEDA) - AV Niche have been accepted and awarded a number of projects from EEDA (East of England Development Agency). These include a Proof of Concept project together with two KEEP projects. The projects have provided both a valuable working relationship and significant investment between AV Niche and Anglia Ruskin University. The projects embed post graduate students within the company on a specifically defined and structured project.
AV Niche were granted a Proof of Concept project by EEDA (East of England Development Agency) in order to assess the market potential for their digital recording system. The project was completed with the input of Anglia Ruskin University, Ashcroft International Business School. The company has already invested over a third of a million pounds into product and development. AV Niche were granted a UK Patent for "Secure Digital Recording System" in 2004. On the 1st October 2007, a press release from the East of England Development Agency detailed the company award. Solid professional market research conducted by Anglia Ruskin University has provided a sound and objective insight into the specialised market of digital interview recording and technology.
AV Niche has for many years been proactive in establishing various partnerships with education establishments. Four students are currently part of the growing team. These partnerships help the company to be involved in the community with both the local University and ITEC College.
- Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) - Each year AV Niche apply to exhibit at the annual HOSDB (Home Office Scientific Development Branch) exhibition. AV Niche Stand, HOSDB 2009 Exhibition
- Key dates and developments - 2001 AV Niche Pioneered the recording of interviews in the digital form. Oct 2003 AV Niche writes to the then Home Secretary outlining the potential of providing networked solutions to enable efficiency in working practices. 2004 Granted UK Patent for "Secure Digital Recording". 2004 AV Niche launches "Networking Criminal Justice". 2004 AV Niche procures exclusive design and manufacturing rights to Rolec brand of PACE audio interview recorders. The only alternative PACE analogue interview recorder ensuring continued support to the Police service for analogue PACE recording during migration to digital recording. Dec 2006 in a tender demonstration showed West Yorkshire Police that the linking of digital technology would be a more economical solution. March 2007 introduce first digital audio interview recorder at the HOSDB 07 exhibition. March 2007 Major enquiries Suffolk - Chief Constable writes to AV Niche Re DVD Transcribers assisting the speed of the investigation 2007 Awarded a Proof of Concept Project (East of England Development Agency) in relation to Digital Interview recording Project commenced late 2007 for 6 months. 2007 confirmed award for a UK DTI "Knowledge Transfer Partnership" with the Anglia Ruskin University with respect to Networking of Digital Interview Recording. March 2008 HOSDB 08 demonstrated a live networked Digital Interview Recording solution to Lord West, Under Secretary Security & Terrorism. July 2008 AV Niche present "Digital Interview Recording Networking Criminal Justice" to the Southwest Regional Investigative Interviewing Digital Open Day. July 2008 "Operation Sumac" awarded Certificate of Appreciation from Suffolk Constabulary at Partners Awards Presentation Ceremony "To recognise the assistance given to Suffolk Constabulary, working in partnership to respond to the unprecedented and extraordinary events of December 2006". March 2009 awarded Commended Certificate in association with West Yorkshire Police in the joint Home Office / Association of Police and Public Security Suppliers adjudicated APPSS 2009 ETI Equipment & Technology Innovation Awards.
Equipment & Technology Innovation Award
AV Niche (Recording Systems) Ltd have been assessed and approved by QMS (Quality Management Systems) to the quality management system, standards and guidelines:- BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000.
- Quality assurance policy statement - It is the policy of AV Niche to provide services, which to their best endeavours, will meet the needs of the client. These services are carried out in a cost effective, timely manner, and with skill, experience, care and diligence. AV Niche will use all endeavours in performing all the services to meet all the agreed requirements of the client. These requirements will relate to function, safety, maintenance, regulations, time for construction, cost, aesthetics and other factors as appropriate. AV Niche implements a Quality System to conform to BS EN ISO 9001. A Quality Assurance Manager has been appointed to establish the system, manage and audit its implementation. The current appointments for these positions are detailed within the published AV Niche Quality Assurance Manual. The Quality Assurance Manual incorporates procedures to assist all staff in carrying out their work in a planned, consistent and economical manner. These procedures are intended to foster, and not inhibit, the exercise of professional engineering judgement and creative problem solving. It is the stated policy of AV Niche to require all staff involved in project work, or activities likely to affect the quality of project work, to operate at all times within the policies, procedures and guidelines laid down in the Quality Assurance Manual. All staff are required and expected to familiarise themselves with the relevant documents and give their full support to this policy statement. All assistance necessary is provided by AV Niche in achieving and maintaining these standards.
- Environmental policy statement - AV Niche aim to manufacture goods in accordance with a 100% recycling philosophy where possible. Optimum use is made of recycled goods and materials. AV Niche operates a practical and common sense approach to environmental matters based on the principles of best available techniques not entailing excessive cost. As a minimum requirement AV Niche seeks to comply with all current environmental legislation and regulations. AV Niche design and manufacturing processes are all intended to consider the impact on the environment. This is achieved by adopting, where practical, the use of component parts from sustainable sources. AV Niche will have consideration to the constraints of the design thus limiting any nuisance to the environment in the complete design and manufacturing process. It is the stated policy of AV Niche to ensure that the work carried out by the company does not cause any or any increase in air, water or ground pollution. In addition, measures are adopted to protect workers, our customers and the public from exposure to any unacceptable risk and hazard. The on going policy is to maintain an effective and efficient environment for the benefit of both employees and customers with the optimum benefit being gained by the environment shared by us all. AV Niche will offer any decommissioned / removed equipment for retention. Should equipment have to be removed from site and it is then decided that such equipment is redundant then the redundant equipment will be sent to a licensed disposal centre for recycling as per the Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and EU legislation. In such instances the appropriate documentation issued will be forwarded to the appropriate Contract Administrator.
AV Niche practice includes the promotion of safety, health and welfare as a mutual objective for all. To achieve this AV Niche will take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all staff / employees in fulfillment of their moral, legal and economic responsibilities. Employees are inclusively responsible for ensuring that work is carried out safely and in compliance with the relevant legislation on safety, health and welfare matters in the working office, whilst on site and at all other locations. Employees also have a legal duty not only to work in a safe manner but to co-operate in the efforts to make safe working conditions. Safety guidelines have been prepared which are issued to all staff. AV Niche have a good and on going safety, health and welfare record. This has been achieved and will be maintained by the co-operation of all staff. It is the policy of AV Niche to make all necessary arrangements to encourage and promote all standards being maintained as a minimum. To this end consultation on safety issues are actively pursued and encouraged. As such the embracing of risk assessment is an integral part of our work. As required AV Niche regularly reviews all existing Health and Safety plans and policies. Works to be carried out will include risk assessment as an integral part of the works.
- Equal opportunity policy statement - It is the policy of the AV Niche to ensure so far as is reasonably practical that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, handicap, marital status, creed, colour, race or ethnic origin, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable. AV Niche are committed to an on going programme of reviews AV Niche will ensure that all employees will be given equal opportunity and, where appropriate, special training to progress within the company for the mutual benefit of both the employee and the company. |
Tel: 01268 474608 - E-Mail: enquiries@avniche.co.uk © av niche (recording systems) ltd. 2011 all rights reserved. |